POM is ”the small and medium size company of the month” (January, 2017)
” The best small- and medium-sized company of the month” prize went to Pécs Organ Manufactory in January. It was Attila Budavári, organ builder master,
New Organparts Catalogue, 2017
After the success of our first Organparts catalogue, the new developed and extended catalogue is already on the way! Why is it UNIQUE? The new
A blind boy in the brand-new organ of Lutheran Church, in Buda Castle
The Salva Vita Foundation makes true the dreams of enable people by giving them the chance to try the job of their dreams. In terms
Angster 150
The year of 2017 has a high priority in life of organ building’s history in Pécs, Hungary. The worldwide famous Organ Factory established by József
30th Anniversary of the Manufacture
Our company the Pécs Organ Manufactory in celebrating its 30. anniversary this year. However, the traditions and spirituality we follow and try to pass on
Been just finished in these days in our manufactory in Pécs. Before our colleagues travel to Portugal to build-in the instrument to its eventual place,